Emailable Rental Application (U.S.)
Pro Form: Create a Pro Account to access this form
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NEW! Free Paperless Rental Application Click on “Tenant Screening” on the menu bar!
Document Last Modified: 6/27/2022
Document Features
State-Specific See State Specific Clauses
State Specific Clauses
MA State Assist
In the State of Massachusetts you are not permitted to charge and application fee.
Although Federal Fair Housing Act doesn’t state or specify regulations regarding an applicant’s marital status, the state of Massachusetts does. Requiring an applicant to disclose marital status in Massachusetts is not permitted.
It's good practice to contact your local housing or zoning office to be sure you are legally permitted to assess such fees and there are no limitations.NEW! FREE Paperless Rental Application with optional Credit/Criminal Check
This ezLandlord Forms Premium "Emailable Rental Application" is an extremely comprehensive two-page document that gathers all pertinent information about prospective tenants and includes authorization to run background checks on the applicant.
The rental application is the first step in properly screening tenants, by gathering all of their relevant personal data in one place. It also facilitates the second step, by including an authorization to run background checks such as credit reports and criminal history reports. Included in this rental application are the prospective tenant's full name, social security number, date of birth, employment, income, pets, number of dependents, and much more. Each applicant over the age of 18 should fill out and sign their own rental application form.
After a likely tenant has declared their interest in renting, the ezLandlord Forms "Emailable Rental Application" can be emailed to the applicant before showing him/her the property. The potential tenant can fill this form out on the computer using Adobe Reader, unlike the free rental application which must be filled out by hand. This ezLandlord Form’s premium form may also be e-signed, and returned by email to the landlord or property manager.
Reminder: Once the applicant fills out and signs this form, it contains extremely sensitive personal information, so be sure to store the completed rental application in a safe location. Remember to run a tenant credit check and criminal background check on all applicants, and to keep these records in a secure location as well.
NOTE: This version of the rental application includes an e-signature and fillable fields, so the soon to be (hopefully) tenant can fill it out on their computer, e-sign it, and email it back to you. This version of the form is only accessible to premium members. If you prefer, feel free to view our Free Rental Application.
WARNING: Please advise applicants using a Mac computer that they MUST use Adobe Reader to complete and save the file.
ADOBE VERSION Make sure that the you AND the applicant are using the latest version of Adobe Reader.
NEW! FREE Paperless Rental Application with optional Credit/Criminal Check
How to send a Free Online Rental Application
1. Go to the Tenant Screening page and click, send a request
2. Add the applicant's name(s) and email addresses
3. Choose a Rental Application without screening (free) or with Tenant Screening