Quebec Notice of Rent Increase or Other Lease Change
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This form is used to increase rent or make changes to the tenancy in Quebec while following the laws indicated in the Régie du logement.
Document Last Modified: 1/30/2020
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This document is the Quebec Notice of Rent Increase or Other Lease Changes. This document is used by landlords to indicate lease modifications. This free document has space allotted for the landlord to indicate any increases in rent. There is additional space to indicate the amount as well as the terms of the renewal. The Quebec Notice of Rent Increase or Other Lease Changes includes a convenient space for landlords to indicate any other modifications to the lease. Lease terms can be extensive, and things are constantly changing so including any specific terms, and conditions will be very helpful down the road. Some proposed modifications might include heating, air conditioning or perhaps electricity.
Any new terms or conditions that are added to the existing lease agreement between the current tenant and landlord are easily indicated in this Quebec specific, all in one document. The Quebec Notice of Rent Increase or Other Lease Changes must be completed by the tenant and returned to the landlord within one month of receipt. Even if a tenant does not agree to the outlined terms or has intentions on moving failure to respond will result in automatic renewal under the new terms.
This document is intended to be served to the occupying tenant. On the notice, there is a space for the tenant or responsible party to sign to indicate acknowledgment of receipt. It is strongly recommended that both the landlord and tenant hold on to a copy of the served document for their records.
The Quebec Notice of Rent Increase or Other Lease Changes can be downloaded today and filled in by hand, free of charge from ezLandlordforms. This document is province specific and was mandated by the Civil Code of Quebec. Don't have a printer? Don't worry! You can download this document, save it to your computer, or even store it on a flash drive.