Toxic Mold Disclosure
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The Toxic Mold Disclosure allows the landlord to document any mold sightings and record other pertinent details of the situation to inform the tenant.
Document Last Modified: 3/27/2023
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Anyone who has dealt with mold knows how aggravating it can be. Besides the aggravation it can also be very detrimental to the health of those around the mold. Mold is a fungus typically brought about in moist warm conditions, is very common, and can grow on just about any substance. In many cases, the presence of visible mold in a residence isn’t significant, but sometimes, it can pose a serious health threat to occupants. In order to protect tenants' health, the Environmental Protection Agency (also referred to as the EPA) has issued guidelines for dealing with a report of visible mold. This disclosure provides documentation informing the tenant that literature and information is available through the EPA.
This Toxic Mold Disclosure will inform tenants about mold and the potential health effects and symptoms if exposed to the fungus. A person exposed to mold may have allergy like symptoms like stuffy nose, itchy eyes, or trouble breathing. This form verifies that the tenant acknowledges the health effects, and that the landlord assisted the tenant with finding any informational pamphlets or documents provided by the EPA.
This document is easily created in three simple steps through the Document Builder Wizard and uses Auto-Fill Technology to automatically include the name and address for both the landlord and tenant. It also has a section where landlords can acknowledge whether there is any known mold in the unit. The Toxic Mold Disclosure also gives tenants information on how mold grows and how to control it (the Mold Prevention Addendum also gives additional information on treating and controlling mold). This document should be given to tenants at the beginning of the lease term and is incorporated and made part of the actual lease agreement.
The EPA Mold Guide should also be provided to the tenant.
This Toxic Mold Disclosure will inform tenants about mold and the potential health effects and symptoms if exposed to the fungus. A person exposed to mold may have allergy like symptoms like stuffy nose, itchy eyes, or trouble breathing. This form verifies that the tenant acknowledges the health effects, and that the landlord assisted the tenant with finding any informational pamphlets or documents provided by the EPA.
This document is easily created in three simple steps through the Document Builder Wizard and uses Auto-Fill Technology to automatically include the name and address for both the landlord and tenant. It also has a section where landlords can acknowledge whether there is any known mold in the unit. The Toxic Mold Disclosure also gives tenants information on how mold grows and how to control it (the Mold Prevention Addendum also gives additional information on treating and controlling mold). This document should be given to tenants at the beginning of the lease term and is incorporated and made part of the actual lease agreement.
The EPA Mold Guide should also be provided to the tenant.