California 60-Day Notice to Vacate for Non-Exempt Properties - No-Fault Just Cause Lease Termination
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California Landlords can provide Tenants with a 60-day Notice for no-fault just cause evictions, which must inform Tenants of their right to receive relocation assistance.
Document Last Modified: 2/10/2025
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No-Fault Just Cause Evictions in California
As of April 1, 2024, California has additional requirements for just cause evictions that impact Landlords terminating a Tenancy for owner move-in or substantial renovations.

- The individual moving in must be the owner or the owner’s spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent.
- The family member must move in within 90 days of the end of the Tenancy.
- The family member must reside in the rental unit for at least 12 months as a primary residence.
- The Notice to Vacate must include the name of the family member moving in and the family member’s relationship to the owner.
- The Notice to Vacate must advise Tenants that they have a right to request proof of the familial relationship.
- The Notice to Vacate must include details about the work being completed.
- All applicable permits must be attached to the Notice to Vacate.
- The Notice to Vacate must notify Tenants of their right to reoccupy the property if the work isn’t started or completed.
- The Notice to Vacate must advise Tenants that they should give the owner their contact information if they’re interested in re-occupying the property after renovations.
As long as they provide adequate Notice, California Landlords may terminate a tenancy because of just cause when there is no fault or Lease violation by the Tenant. In this situation, just cause includes:
- Substantial renovations;
- The owner moving into the rental unit to make it their primary residence; or
- The owner ending participation in the rental market.
Unless the property is exempt under Cal. Civ. Code § 1946.2, the Landlord must assist the Tenant in relocating by (1) providing a direct payment or (2) waiving the final month’s rent. The amount of relocation assistance or rent waiver shall be equal to one month’s rent.
Note: If the Landlord fails to provide those options for relocation assistance in the Notice to Vacate, the Notice will be deemed void under California law.
If the Tenant fails to vacate after the expiration of the Notice to Vacate, the actual amount of relocation assistance or rent waiver is recoverable as damages in an action to recover possession.
This 60-Day Notice to Vacate complies with all requirements and can be customized in less than 5 minutes.
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Other California Rental Forms & Templates
- California Residential Lease Agreement: California has some of the most complex Lease laws in the country. Our California Rental Contract is guaranteed to comply with them all. Plus, it’s EZ to customize entirely online in minutes.
- California AB 1482: Landlords subject to the California Tenant Protection Act must use this form to provide Tenants with disclosures of rent control laws and the requirement of just-cause evictions.
- California AB 1482 Rent Control & Eviction Exemption Form: Landlords that are exempt from the requirements of AB 1482 must provide Tenants with this exemption Notice.
- California 30-Day Notice to Vacate: This Notice is for tenancies of less than one year and for properties that are not subject to the California Tenant Protection Act.
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