California Non-Residential Building Energy Disclosure Program Information

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California Landlords who rent non-residential property must comply with the California Nonresidential Building Energy Use Disclosure Program.

Document Last Modified: 2/10/2025

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California Nonresidential Building Energy Use Disclosure Program

Pursuant to the California Nonresidential Building Energy Use Disclosure Program, building owners or operators are required to disclose the building’s energy use if:

  1. The ENTIRE building is being offered for sale, Lease, finance, or refinance.
  2. The building is 5,000 feet or larger.
  3. The building is classified as one of the following occupancy types: A (assembly); B (business); E (education); I-1 and I-2 (institutional); M (mercantile); R-1 (transient - residential), S (storage), and U (parking garage).

Landlords whose property falls into all three categories must follow specific procedures to disclose energy usage to prospective buyers, lessees, or lenders. Download the document to get step-by-step guidance to ensure compliance.

Pro Tip: Once you have complied with all requirements, use the California Energy Disclosure to document that your Tenant was provided with all necessary disclosures.

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