California Ordnance Location Disclosure

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If a CA Landlord has knowledge that a rental unit is within 1 mile of a former federal or state Ordnance Location, this must be disclosed to Tenants before entering into a Lease.

Document Last Modified: 2/10/2025

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Ordnance Location Disclosure

The California Civil Code requires Landlords to disclose any knowledge of the fact that the neighborhood or surrounding area of one mile of a rental property was a former federal or state ordnance location.

This Disclosure should also state that an “ordnance location” is a location that has been identified by an agency of the federal or state government as an area once used for military training purposes and which may contain potentially explosive munitions.

Download the Ordnance Disclosure and use it as an Addendum to the California Lease Agreement to comply with California Lease laws.

California State Specific Documents