Rental Agreement (Month-to-Month) with ezSign
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Today's leasing law is a complex blend of both common and statutory law, so our rental agreement guides you through local laws as you go to ensure compliance.
Document Last Modified: 5/21/2021
Document Features
Uses Lease Builder
Document Description
Now with ezSign!!! When a dispute arises between a landlord and tenant, and they go to court, the first questions the judge usually asks is "What does the rental agreement say? Let me see it."
Our rental agreement wizard is fast, easy, and most importantly, guides you through your state or province's laws as you create your rental agreement. It will also include often-required disclosures, addendums, and informational pamphlets (which you remove if you so choose).
Have custom clauses you want to include in various sections of the rental agreement? Not a problem, you can add them throughout the lease contract.
Note: While there are some regional differences in the use of terms like "lease agreement", "rental agreement" and "tenancy agreement", from a legal perspective all of these terms refer to the same legal contract between a landlord and tenant. Even though we display two separate documents for a rental agreement and a lease agreement, they use the same wizard and either can be set to a term (e.g. one year) or a month-to-month or week-to-week tenancy.
A Great Lease makes a Great Landlord
▶ Watch the Great Lease Video
Video to Share with New Tenants
▶ Watch the Move in Video
Document Features
- Now with ezSign!!!
- State/Province-Specific - Designed specifically for use in each of the 50 U.S. states and all Canadian provinces and territories
- Created quickly and easily with our state-of-the-art rental agreement wizard
- State/Province Assist - At every step of the way, you'll see critical legal information for your state or province
- No Legalese - The rental agreement is written in plain English, so it's ez for both the landlord and tenant to understand
- Customizable
- 27 Selectable Rules and Regulations (see below)
- Complete Rental Package - All of your rental documents are packaged together for easy emailing (see below)
- Emailable - With a few clicks, you can email your lease directly to your tenants
Our services provide lease agreements for Residential, Condo, House, Home, Trailer, Apartment, Townhome, Housing, Real Estate, Duplex, Buildings, and many more!
Rental Package Documents
Below are just a few of the 26 documents you can select to include with your rental package...
- Move-In/Move-Out Walk-Through Checklist
- Lead-Based Paint EPA Pamphlet - Required by law for all property built before 1978
- Lead-Based Paint EPA Disclosure - Required by law for all property built before 1978
- Tenant Pet Agreement
- Zero Tolerance for Criminal Activity
- Co-Signer Agreement
- Rental Purchase Option
- Roommate Lease Addendum
- All Addendums, Disclosures, and Information Documents
- Include a lease cover page and a dynamically created table of contents
Rules and Regulations
Below are a few examples of some of the selectable rules and regulations in the rental agreement:
- The Tenant will be responsible for any fine and/or violation that is imposed on the Landlord due to the Tenant’s negligence.
- The Tenant agrees to test smoke detectors periodically as well as maintain operational batteries at all times.
- Late fees are strictly enforced and any unpaid fees will not be waived.
- The Tenant must notify Landlord of any changes in employment.
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