Notice to Tenant to Repair Damages
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The Notice to Tenant to Repair Damages is used to notify a tenant that has damaged the premises that they must make the appropriate repairs.
Document Last Modified: 6/3/2021
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With the checklist in hand (don’t forget your pen), start walking through the rental property.
- Walk through each room and be sure to check walls and ceilings.
- Inspect flooring for burns, stains and pet damage.
- Check plumbing for leaks.
- Examine windows for broken glass.
- Look at every nook and cranny.
If you do not allow pets, check for signs of a pet being on the property during these inspections.
TIP: Tenants can be very creative in hiding damage. When a sofa is smack-dab in the middle of the floor, this could mean it is covering something up. There is nothing like creative interior decor to play hide-and-seek with a landlord.
Most tenants will comply and generally it is not a big deal. Where cooperation is non-existent; you can bet there are probably some issues. Now, the inspection is done, and you have noticed some pretty clear cut damage done by your tenant. What do you do?
Send a notification to the tenant to repair the problems. This ezLandlordForms “Notice To Tenant To Repair Damages” is a great way to let your tenant know. The template is a form of few words but ready for your complete customization. Most states make the tenant responsible for items that are broken by abuse or negligence or the tenant’s part. However, if the issue was existing, be sure to refer to the initial inspection report to avoid any unnecessary battles.
This way if a tenant moves without giving notice (or even if they do and never have taken care of the repair), you have a paper trail to use when conducting the security deposit accounting.