Saskatchewan Notice to Vacate (Lease Violation)
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Landlords should use this eviction form on a tenant who has breached the lease.
Document Last Modified: 11/17/2021
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Using The Saskatchewan Notice to Vacate Form
When a tenant violates their lease agreement, the landlord can use the Saskatchewan Notice to Vacate form in order to let the tenant know that the violation will not be tolerated. The landlord can use this form to allow the tenant the chance to cure the violation or leave the property. The specific reasons and breaches that allow a landlord to use this form can be found in the Residential Tenancies Act. A Landlord may only use this form if a breach of the lease agreement has been made. This form cannot be used to terminate the tenancy without reason.
The Process For Evicting A Tenant
Evicting a tenant because they have breached the lease agreement is a process that is very specific if it is going to be successful for the landlord.
- The steps for evicting a tenant are as follows:
- Provide the tenant with the Notice to Vacate form after they have been found in violation of the lease agreement.
- Wait one month for the tenant to comply with the notice.
- If the tenant has not left the property then the landlord can file for a hearing in court.
- If the decision at the hearing is made in favor of the landlord then a formal eviction date will be scheduled with the local authorities.
A Month Of Waiting
The month that the landlord must wait after serving the tenant with the notice is very important. This time allows the tenant to comply with the demands of the notice and it is also the legally required amount of time that the landlord must wait before filing for an eviction in court. The landlord must only file after this time has passed. Trying to file before this month has ended will not result in a hearing and could actually set the process back.
Important Information
Landlords can find more information about the laws and regulations that must be followed in Saskatchewan by visiting:
The professionals at ezLandlordForms have complied all of their tips and tricks into helpful articles that can be found here: