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- Tenant Screenings
- Rent Payments
All plans are tax deductible.
Pro Yearly Subscription
Leases, eSign, Forms & More
Includes Rent Payments
$5 off Screenings
Pro Yearly
= 8.25/month
Pro Monthly Subscription
Leases, eSign, Forms & More
Includes Rent Payments
$5 off Screenings
Pro Monthly
First 3 months upfront
Lease & Forms 30 Days
Leases, eSign, Forms & More
Rent Payments Not Included
No discount on Screenings
No subscription.
Lease & Forms 30 Days
- ezProLease, The Ultimate Lease
Collect Rent with No Transaction Fees Subscription plans only
- $5 Discount on every Tenant Screening
Unlimited - online signature
- Unlimited Online Rental Applications
Unlimited - online signature
- Unlimited Online Rental Applications
- State Specific Eviction Forms
- Guaranteed to comply with state laws
- Unlimited Landlord Law Updates
- Lease expiration reminders
- Free Unlimited Chat Support
- Unlimited Landlord Law Updates
- Lease expiration reminders
- Free Unlimited Chat Support
- Easily Receive Your Rent Payments Online
Automate the entire rent collection process with this new feature. Tenants make payments online, and rent is automatically deposited in your account.
Tenants can set up auto-pay, and Landlords can automate email reminders, late rent alerts, and late fees. All Landlords need is a Pro Account to take advantage of this service.
The Best Online Lease Available
You won't find a better Lease than the ezProLease. It's comprehensive, written in plain language, customizable, and state specific. Plus, it includes all the addenda, disclosures, and additional documents you need to create a complete Lease Package.
Guaranteed State Compliance
It's important to have a state-specific Lease. Our Lease Builder Wizard uses State Assist tips to make sure your Lease contains all necessary terms, language, and disclosures.
Not many companies want to do the hard work to create a good, state-specific Lease, but we have. Now you don't have to!

-You Said You Wanted EZ
It's easy to get all of your Leases signed with ezSign. This is a user-friendly tool that lets Tenants and Landlords review and sign the Lease electronically either on a computer or mobile device. This means all your Tenant needs is a smartphone to review and sign Leases. Yep, it's that ez.
Essential Forms
We have all the Forms you need in one place. Our forms are customizable and easy to use, making your life simpler. Preview some of the most commonly used forms to learn more:
- Rental Application
- Lease Addendum Template
- Walkthrough Checklist
- Eviction Warning
- Lease Renewal Agreement
for the Entire
Landlord Lifecycle
Frequently Asked Questions
How many forms can I create with my Pro Account?
Can I create Leases and forms for multiple Rental Units?
Are there any hidden fees?
What is the difference between the Lease & Forms 30 Days, Pro Monthly, and Pro Yearly plans?
How many times can I use ezSign?
Can I cancel my Pro Plan at any time?
Do You Offer Any Discounts?
"This site is a big help keeping my leases legal and very professional looking that makes an impression on my tenants. Thank you for easy to manage forms, leases and newsletters I find them a good read."

Edward Thompson
"Extremely thorough and easy to use. Makes keeping state specific regulations and information sharing a cinch! I have been using them for years! Thanks EzLandlordForms!"

Jason Wang
"We are rookies at being Landlords. But this makes it easy and also makes us feel secure that we are doing our due diligence."